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Featured Books
This list is dedicated to providing resources for self-study and enrichment. (Because sometimes we need something more or different than Sunday morning worship!)
What’s the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian?: A Guide to What Matters Most by Martin Thielen
Ever had questions about what Christians believe, or wondered about the assumptions of your own faith tradition? This book, while not purporting to speak for all Christians everywhere, gives a helpful look at the beliefs that bring and keep us together, with a modern look at the ancient institution of the church. Short, accessible, and thoughtful.
Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say by Adam Hamilton
This easy-to-read Bible study explores some of the myths that have grown up around our Christian culture, and questions where those sayings and traditions come from. Written by a Methodist pastor with a strong focus on thinking about scripture and practice.
Gift and Task: A Year of Daily Readings and Reflections by Walter Brueggeman
This book offers a daily devotional for the cycle of the church year. Authored by an Old Testament scholar, it engages intellectually with both the beautiful and challenging aspects of following Christ. The devotions are strongly oriented not only towards reading scripture, but towards applying its lessons to our present-day society. Great food for thought!
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